Introduction to Siggraph
Date: Friday Sept 1, 2023
Time: 6pm-8pm
Location: RIT MAGIC Wegmans Theatre
General Membership Meeting
When: 7-8pm, Thursday, Feb 10th, 2022
Location: online:
This is, for real this time, a general membership meeting! Tim forgot to send out the time for the last event so this is a make-up of the event from about a week ago. This time though he didn't forget the time! We will be discussing some events coming up over the next few months, introducing ourselves and networking. This event is virtual and free to participate. We look forward to chatting with you soon!
The meeting will be hosted on the Zoom platform. A link to the meeting can be found below. Please do not forward this link.
GGJ meet-up
When: 7-8pm, Jan 18th, 2022
Location: Virtual on Zoom:
Let's talk about Global Game Jam!
Virtual Webinar with Alvy Ray Smith
When: Nov. 4th, 2021, 6pm
Location: at RIT in the Magic Spell Studios Color Correction Suite, and also on Zoom at this link.
We will be holding an event both virtual and in person at RIT with Alvy Ray Smith! Alvy will join virtually, but we will be hosting the call in person at RIT in the Magic Spell Studios Color Correction Suite to encourage networking and socializing! If you need assistance with finding the in-person location, please reach out to Tim Stringer, [email protected].
Thanks Dr. Flip Phillips for inviting Alvy.
Greater ROC Siggraph Event
When: 12pm Eastern Time, October 15th, 2021
Chien Jarvis, a 3D Artist at EA and VCD/3D Digital Design Alumna, will be talking about her current and past work and also give recommendations and tips to students looking to get work in the industry!
Brick City Homecoming & Family Weekend
When: October 15-17th, 2021
Location: RIT
More Info:
SIGGRAPH Greater Rochester Chapter will host some activities at the RIT Brick City Homecoming & Family Weekend.
Meet-up in Rec Room
When: Sept. 23rd, Thursday, 6-8pm
Location: TBD
We will have virtual funs with social events and games all in VR (
Meetup of Greater Rochester Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH
When: August 14th, 2021, 10 am.
Location: RIT MAGIC Spell Studios
It is official! We will be hosting an event beginning at 10 am. August 14th, at Magic Spell Studios at RIT. We will be doing a few talks in the morning, screening the Computer Animation Festival after lunch, and doing some social time in the afternoon. The morning talks will also be presented digitally, so if you can't make it in person, we hope you can tune in!
Imagine RIT 2021
When: May 1, 2021 starting at 10am
Location: free virtual event
More Info:
Imagine RIT: Creativity and Innovation Festival is a special event that showcases the creative and innovative spirit of RIT students, faculty, and staff. And this year, it’s coming to you.
Realtime Conference (RTC 2021)
When: April 26-28, 2021
Location: online event (Registration is free.)
More Info:
RealTime Conference is the World's Premiere Event for Real-Time Technologies! The theme this year is Merging Physical & Digital Worlds: The Rise of the Metaverse.
RIT MAGIC Speaker Series Welcomes Velan Studios
When: November 5, 2020, 2pm
Location: (virtually) (Registration is required. It's free.)
"Creating Breakthrough Game Experiences" by Guha Bala, President, Velan Studios and Karthik Bala, CEO, Velan Studios
Guha and Karthik Bala, founders of Velan Studios will talk about their 30 year career in making games with some of the key insights and learning on developing breakthrough experiences from Guitar Hero to Skylanders and most recently, the debut game release from Velan Studios – Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. Guha and Karthik will pull back the curtain and talk about their approach to building a new game studio with Velan, its culture of innovation, and focus on the discovery of new kinds of game experiences.
Retro Computer Animation Show
When: Friday, January 24th, 2020, 5-7pm
Location: Wegmans Theatre at MAGIC Spell Studios in the Rochester Institute of Technology
An evening of Vintage computer animated shorts!
All guaranteed to have been released in the previous millennium, with colorful commentary by Joe Geigel, animation fanboy and member of the ACM SIGGRAPH Pioneers. This is an "official" event from the local Rochester Professional Chapter of SIGGRAPH.
Epic Games Coming to RIT
When: October 3 – October 4, 2019
Location: RIT Golisano Hall, Atrium
Epic Games will be visiting RIT!
Epic Games Information Session, October 3, 2019, 10am-12pm
Epic Games Office Hours, October 4, 2019 10am -4pm
Calling all developers and designers! Bring your portfolio and/or resume and get critiques from representatives from Epic Games. Drop your resume to be considered for summer 2020 internship positions. This is an RIT Only Event. For information and questions, please contact Bridget Caller, [email protected].
3December: Featured Speaker: Alain Chesnais
When: December 3rd, 2015, Time: 7:00PM
Location: RIT, Building 7A (Booth Hall), Webb Auditorium
Distinguished ACM/SIGGRAPH speaker will be the keynote at our 3December program. He is the co-founder and Chief Scientist at TrendSpottr, a predictive analytics company that identifies trending content in specific topics on social media. Previously he worked at a number of high tech companies focused on graphics, internet services or both. These include Alias|wavefront, ATI, Tucows, TrueSpectra and View22/SceneCaster. He he has also served both as ACM President and SIGGRAPH President.
He will speak about 3D graphics and will also touch base on his new projects in Big Data.
Be sure to be a talk to attend!
SIGGRAPH (CAF) Computer Animation Festival Screening
When: November, 18 2015 at 4:00PM
Location: RIT, Web Auditorium
For a preview of the event click here
Flip Phillips, Talk Title: "Computers, Computer Graphics and Human Perception, from PIXAR to RIT"
When: Friday, November 13, 4:00 PM
Location: Webb Auditorium, Booth Hall rm 1350
A graduate of Ohio State University, he has taught and researched in medical imaging, architectural visualization, and visual perception. He was part of the team at PIXAR at when it was founded in the 1980’s.
A more complete write-up can be found here:
Highlights from SIGGRAPH 2015 Presentations
September 4th, 2015
Location: RIT, Booth Auditorium
Time: 3:00-4:30
Four Faculty and One Student gave 10 minute presentations highlighting their experience attending the conference in Los Angeles.
May 2, 2015
Location: RIT (all campus - see website for multiple exhibits)
Marty Havran - Portfolio Reviews & Talk
January 31, 2015
Time 2:00-4:00PM
Animation Show of Shows
Location: RIT, Booth Auditorium
October 14th, 2014
Time: 7:30
Reserve a seat
SIGGRAPH Screenings
Location: RIT, Web Auditorium (Building 7A, 1st floor)
(POSTPONED) Will re-post when date has been confirmed
If you missed the SIGGRAPH'14 conference or if you were there and are
missing it, come on Wednesday, September 24th to a screening of some of
the exciting work presented there.
Adobe CC World Tour Event
Location: RIT
June 19, 2014
Adobe evangelists are here to show the latest innovations added to Adobe Creative Cloud since CS6. Come and learn about the hundreds of innovations in products like Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC that will make everyday tasks easier and faster. See firsthand how desktop apps, mobile apps, files, community, and even new creative hardware all work together -- allowing you to bring your ideas and work together seamlessly.
To find more Creative Cloud events to attend around the world, go to:
Register for this event at:
There will be food and prizes
May 3, 2014
Location: Rochester Institute of Technology
The Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival is a large showcase for the latest in technology, science, the arts and all things entrepreneurial. Please visit the website to schedule your day:
A few exhibits that you might want to investigate that combine art and technology:
Projections and Music
Location: 7A-Web Auditorium. (Marla Schweppe, Boyang Ma)
The Virtual Arcade in 3D Digital Design studio
Location: Building 7A-A450
Students showcasing their interactive 3D game levels:
Professor Shaun Foster
3D Preservation of the Buffalo State Asylum
Location: Fieldhouse
Funded by a Digital Humanities Grant, it featured a real-time 3D environment with assets built with Autodesk Maya and run through Unreal 4 engine.
For more information also see:
Path’s Flip Through History
Location: Fieldhouse
Showcased work in progress on an regional Augmented Reality Tourism Grant from NY State.
Academy Award Winning CG Artist CHRIS LANDRETH will be presenting a Master Class on Facial Animation at RIT. Admission is free to RIT faculty and students. Interpretive services are available on request.
Monday, April 7, 2014 (THAT’S NEXT MONDAY!)
2:00 – 5:00 PM
RIT Bldg 7A, BOO-1350 (Webb Auditorium)
Chris Landreth is world-renowned as a pioneer in Computer Animation; his work at Alias was instrumental in the development of Maya; his films not only pushed the technology as “proof of concept” pieces for the production-capabilities of Maya, but received international acclaim in the film industry. His 2004 film “Ryan” received the 2005 Academy Award for “Best Animated Short Film” and over two dozen additional awards.
“Making Faces” is a Master Class developed by Chris Landreth, highlighting the observation, illustration, and reproduction of the human face with a focus on structure, anatomy, psychology, expression and efficiency. This class has received international acclaim, and has been taught at professional venues such as DreamWorks Animation, and at universities around the world including Seneca College, the University of Toronto, and the Ecole George Melies in Paris.
Please Follow This Link for More Information
3December Program
December 6, 2013
RIT: Bldg 7A, BOO-1350 (Webb Auditorium)
This year, hosting the event will be held at RIT in Web Auditorium from 2:30-5:30PM on Friday December 6th. The event was co-sponsored by Autodesk, RITGraph, the student SIGGRAPH Chapter, (3DDD student) and the Rochester Professional SIGGRAPH chapter.
The program will kick-off with top 3D Computer Animations shown from the SIGGRAPH 2013 Asia reel. The event then featured two speakers: Sarah Hanson and Marty Havran.
Sarah Hanson, an RIT Alumnus ( speaking on the 2D and 3D graphics done for the upcoming documentary which will air on ABC in January as well as her Freelance work for Mattel, Fisher Price and Hasbro.
The second next talk will be given by Marty Havran (who skyped-in) Marty is an industry veteran who has worked on multiple films, who has done 3D computer models for numerous film including Godzilla, Starship Troopers, Hollo Man, Stewart Little (
The event was attended by over 100 people.
3D sketching and analyzing in-vivo chick hearts
Dr. Cindy Grimm, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University
Friday, May 3, 2013, 1-2pm
RIT: Bldg GOL-1400 (auditorium)
For the first half of the talk I will discuss a 3D sketching system that lets users create 3D curve networks using 2D sketching techniques. The sketching system was designed by video taping traditional artists as they sketched, and capturing how they make marks on paper. For the second half of the talk I will discuss on-going work with Dr. Sandra Rugonyi at Oregon Health and Sciences on in-vivo modeling of the developing chicken heart. In specific, I will discuss visualization and analysis techniques we have developed for understanding how the developing heart contracts and for comparing normal versus abnormal (banded) blood flow.
Cindy Grimm works in the area of surface modeling and visualization, with an emphasis on biomedical applications. Her current projects include: modeling the developing heart, understanding how the shape of bat ears influences their sonar patterns, 3D sketching, and interfaces for 3D medical image segmentation. She received her PhD from Brown University in 1995 in the area of surface modeling, spent two years working at Microsoft Research on facial animation, then ten years as faculty at Washington University in St. Louis. She is now in the Mechanical Engineering department at Oregon State University.
Dec 3, 2012 6-9pm
RIT, Webb Auditorium (Building 7A Booth) Use parking lot E or F
Angela Eliasz from Sony Imageworks, Square USA, and Dreamworks
Lee Amakaroon - Game FX artist, has worked on AAA games like: Hour of Victory, ALIENS: Colonial Marines, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Faxion Online and Pirate101
Experience Z-Space
Thursday, Nov. 15, 11am
RIT: Golisano auditorium (GOL-1400)
zSpace is a revolutionary, immersive, interactive 3D environment for computing, creating, communication and entertainment. Come see a demonstration of their product and discuss where this technology will be headed in the next few years.
How Mathematics Has Changed Hollywood
Tony Derose (Pixar)
Wednesday, Oct. 3, 5–6 p.m.
Hoyt Auditorium
University of Rochester
Over the past two decades, filmmaking has been completely revolutionized by advances in areas such as computational physics and applied math. Using numerous examples drawn from Pixar’s films, this lay audience talk will provide a behind-the-scenes look at the role that mathematics has played in the revolution.
Open to the public
Wavelets in Computer Graphics
Tony Derose (Pixar)
Thursday, Oct. 4, 10–11 a.m. and 1–2 p.m.
Schlegel Hall Rotunda
Wavelets are an important mathematical tool that has found uses in many scientific and engineering disciplines. They are an important technique for use in computer graphics and the closely related field of image processing. In this two-part talk, DeRose will provide an introduction to the theory of wavelets and highlight their use to solve a variety of computer graphics problems. Two-part lecture series for graduate students and advanced undergraduates
Guest Lecturer: Tony DeRose
Tony DeRose is a senior scientist and lead of the Research Group at Pixar Animation Studios. He received a BS in physics in from the University of California, Davis, and a PhD in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley. Before joining Pixar in 1996, he was a professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at the University of Washington. In 1998, he was a major contributor to the Oscarwinning short film Geri’s game; in 1999 he received the ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award; and in 2006 he received a Scientific and Technical Academy Award for his work on surface representations. In addition to his research interests, DeRose is also involved in a number of initiatives to help make math, science, and engineering education more inspiring and relevant for middle and high school students. One such initiative is the Young Makers Program (, which supports youth in building ambitious hands on projects of their own choosing. Dance performance with Kinect May 5, 2012 CG and Guy Thorne from FuturPointe Wearable Technology Fashion Show May 5, 2012
Jeff Spoonhower
April 30th, 2012
Working in the game industry talk
Digital Heroes
April 17th, 2012 Tour bus came to town and interviewed three RIT computer graphics professionals (
Dreamworks screening of Puss and Boots
April 16th, 2012
RIT: Bldg 7A, BOO-1350 (Webb Auditorium)
Comments from Ken Beilenberg on the Visual Effects
Dreamworks presentation
April 16th, 2012
Chris Edwards talk
RIT: Bldg 7A, BOO-1350 (Webb Auditorium)
March 20, 2012 Pre-Visualization for film talk from the head of The Third Floor
Martin Havran and Joe Burrascano talks
December 3, 2011 Havran spoke on the Production Process, Character Development and Design and Joe Burrascano from Nathan Love spoke about production on various projects
Maya 2012 New Features for Game Content Webcast and Discussion
March 23, 2011 RIT 2-3pm Bldg 7A-A428
December 03, 2010
4:00 -7:00PM
Talk by Stephen Gressak, Blue Sky, on Facial Rigging,
Talk by Ryan Mott, Broken Myth, on Serious Games
Cynthia Beth Rubin
October 16, 2010
Talk by Cynthia Beth Rubin on her art work and experience with SIGGRAPH and ISEA
Demo Day
May 01, 2010
Demos of Motion Capture, Virtual Theatre, Motion Graphics, games, augmented reality, and more Dr. Anil K. Jain April 16, 2010 Biometric Recognition: How Do I Know Who You Are?
Cyberstorm II
January 20, 2010 -- 7pm Network gaming! Network with fellow SIGGRAPH members, play networked games @ Cyberstorm, corner of Mt. Hope and Brighton-Henrietta Townline Road. Cyberstorm December 16, 2009 -- 7pm Network gaming! Network with fellow SIGGRAPH members, play networked games @ Cyberstorm, corner of Mt. Hope and Brighton-Henrietta Townline Road. Animation Show of Shows Screening December 16, 2009 - 4-6pm -- Webb Auditorium, Booth Hall, RIT Screening of the Animation Show of Shows. Many of the animations were computer generated. Vicarious Vision October 02, 2009 The game company Vicarious Vision will present their work and answer questions.
Graphics Seminar September 25, 2009 Graphics Seminar
Digital Dance Lesson
May 02, 2009
Live and CG dancers. Vaudeville Virtual Theatre Performance
May 02, 2009
Watch the performance on individual computers in ICL6 on the 3rd Floor of Golisano Hall, RIT or in the Golisano Auditorium on the 1st floor or watch the people controlling the performers in the Motion Capture Studio in Booth Hall 07-A422 or the Virtual Reality Lab on the 3rd floor of Golisano. Demo Day
May 02, 2009
Game arcade, screenings, performances, installations, tangible interfaces, more. Dr. Debapriya Dutta
March 16, 2009
Dr. Dutta from the Indian Department of Science and Technology speaks. Jim Ferwerda
March 11, 2009
Dr. Ferwerda speaks on Imaging Science.
David Weinberger
February 13, 2009
Weinberger speaks on The Power of the New Digital Disorder.
Matthew Schneps
February 11, 2009
Schneps, Director of the Laboratory for Visual Learning, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics speaks Jamie Kosoy
January 15, 2009
Kosoy, associate technical director of Big Spaceship, shows work and talks about their production process. SIGGRAPH CAF Screening
December 4, 2008 -- 6:15pm
Screening of the SIGGRAPH 08 Computer Animation Festival DVD # 3 SIGGRAPH CAF Screening
November 6, 2008
Screening of the SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival DVD #1 Animation Show of Shows screening
October 16, 2008 -- 7pm Ron Diamond brings the Animation Show of Shows to Rochester. Kodak will sponsor the show and provide a projectionist. Autodesk and the RIT Schools of Design and Film will provide additional support.
Holly Rushmeyer Lecture
October 08, 2008
Rushmeyer will speak on subjects related to the history of computer graphics. SIGGRAPH CAF Screening
September 22, 2008
Screening of SIGGRAPH 2008 Conference DVD #3
Carnivale Rehearsal
March 27, 2008 -- 9pm
Digital Studio, Building 7B Room 1315
Come watch or participate in the rehearsal for a performance of the virtual theatre performance of Carnivale in collaboration with Second Language from Utah and others.